Tim Jelle

Rating: 3.0/5 (3091 votes)

1 1 club11+ HCP 3+ card clubs
1 1 diamonds11-19 3+ card diamonds
1 1 heart11+ 5+ card hearts
1 1 spade11+ 5+ card spades
1 ntBalanced (no 5/4 or 6 Major)
2 2 clubsStrong (or weak with diamonds, but we never do, it just to prevent opponents interfering or to psych in third hand). AFter partner had shown his controls opener describes his hand and partner shows no fit bij relaying the first free bid and relays the second free bid to show a fit)
2 2 diamonds10-13 5 card hearts 4 card spades
2 2 hearts10-13 6+ card hearts
2 2 spades10-13 6 card spades
2 nt20-21 nt
3 3 clubs7-10 6+ card clubs (non crap preempts)
3 3 diamonds7-10 6+ card diamonds (non crap preempts)
3 3 hearts7-10 6+ card hearts (non crap preempts)
3 3 spades7-10 6+ card spades (non crap preempts)
3 nt11-17 Solid 4 Major opening
4 4 clubs6-10 4hearts opening with hearts and a minor
4 4 diamonds6-10 4spades opening with spades and a minor
4 4 hearts6-10 Solo suit hearts
4 4 spades6-10 Solo suit spades

System Tim Jelle


5 card major gazillii, 2/1 GF, weak NT, 10-13 2openings

Twisted Swine

Escape Sequence after they double our 11-14 nt With a very weak 4333 it's getting a little tricky. You could Rdbl en Rdbl 2 again if it's doubled, or you could transfer to hearts All Rdbl's in any sequence are...
Bidding overview after weak NT

An easy overview on how to bid after a weak NT
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